On Wednesday 23rd May, Intel are hosting a round-table discussion on the topic of supplier diversity and inclusive supply chains for women owned businesses. The event is open to any corporation that is interested in understanding how they can increase the diversity in their supply base.

Intel, who are on track to achieve $1B in annual spending with certified-diverse owned suppliers by 2020, will share an insight into their global supplier diversity programme. County Kildare Chamber, Enterprise Ireland and WEConnect International will give short presentations on their work in this space and there will also be a facilitated discussion focussed on sharing best practices for supplier diversity and the practical actions and steps corporations can take to increase opportunities for diverse suppliers in the corporate supply chain.

As well as being able to hear from the Intel team, it will also be an excellent opportunity to meet, connect and share experiences with others corporations in Ireland.


Those interested, please call Jennifer in the Chamber on 045 894 074.