Practical steps to build competitiveness

Lean for Micro Information Session March 10th 2017 9.30 Aras Kill Dara ,Naas


The Kildare Local Enterprise Office’s in association with Enterprise Ireland are offering clients the opportunity to adopt Lean business principles in their organisation to increase performance and competitiveness.

Lean tools and techniques are helping companies across the globe to address competitiveness issues within their businesses, building the capability of their people to identify issues and improve their operations, increasing capacity as they improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Lean is shorthand for focusing on effectiveness and efficiency across all areas of a business. Lean works most effectively where it has become the way of doing business, where it is a fundamental part of the business strategy and not just “using some tools”. Those that embark on the full lean program can avail of 5 days consultancy from a Lean Expert (Qualified Practitioner) from EI approved lean consultants (value  €5000)

This free business information session hosted in Aras Kill Dara ,Naas has been designed to allow clients find out more about the programme and to talk to LEO Executives, previous participant companies and Enterprise Ireland staff in respect of the programmes and its benefits to your company.

The agenda is as follows:

Time Description
09:30am Registration / Tea / Coffee
10:00am Welcome & Introduction to Lean for Micro-Jacqui Mc Nabb – Local Enterprise Office (Kildare )
10:10am Lean for Micro  Benefits-Robert Hernan – Enterprise Ireland
10.40am SME Case Studies

  • Subhash Kamath ,Business Process Architect at Bord na Móna
  • Eamon Redmond ,Operations Manager at Lily O’Brien’s Chocolates
  • 3rd case TBC
12.30pm Q & A
01.00pm Close & Light Lunch

Places are limited so booking is essential on