Press Statement

28 July 2016

The Irish Chamber Network, Ireland’s largest business network, today (28 July 2016) launched its Budget 2017 Submission outlining the need for Government to refocus on strategic investment in the infrastructure of the economy to secure Ireland’s economic future.

North Kildare Chamber is the largest business organisation in Kildare with in excess of 380 members that employ 37,500 people in the county. Allan Shine, Chief executive sits on various committees within Kildare County Council, Chambers Ireland and is also the business representative on the Mid East Action Plan for Jobs and the Mid East Regional Skills Form.

Shine commented that the Chamber’s detailed Budget 2017 submission will be launched in early September.


The Irish Chamber Network’s Pre-Budget submission makes recommendations across three areas:

Supporting Growth through ensuring we have a sustainable revenue streams through a broad tax base and that our taxation system do more to support enterprise and encourage entrepreneurship;


A reduction of the Marginal Tax rate to below 50% to support productivity and help attract and maintain a skilled workforce



Where we need to invest identifies the investment in infrastructure necessary not only to protect our ability to attract investment but also to ensure our indigenous economy can continue to grow;



  • Prioritise and accelerate investment in the roll out of the National Broadband Plan to areas where there is a capacity to generate an economic activity amongst local businesses.



Securing our future outlines priority areas to help us prepare for economic headwinds by implementing long term policies to ensure our sustainable growth.



Education and Skills

  • Ireland’s apprenticeship programmes should receive the funding necessary to enable them to succeed and become a preferred option for school leavers in the longer term.