County Kildare Chamber and The School of Business in Maynooth University are conducting research into two different business sectors currently. 

The work will be carried out by 3rd year students from within the School of Business in the University.


The first research project is an Economic Report on the Hospitality Sector in Kildare with the following objectives:

  1. Objective 1  To compile comprehensive data that will show the number of employees in the sector in Kildare, the total number of bed nights in Kildare, detailed breakdown of our hospitality offering ( Hotels, attractions etc)


  1. Objective 2 The report will be used to showcase Kildare as an ideal tourist location, the ideal location for conferences and national events.  It will also be used to assist the Chamber is its promotion of Kildare from an FDI perspective


The second research project is an Economic Impact Report on the Thoroughbred Industry in Kildare


  1. Objective 1 – A detailed report outlining the total number of people employed in the sector in Kildare and a profile of the same within each municipal district in the county


  1. Objective 2 – A detailed summary of the economic impact of the industry for Kildare nationally and internationally.


For more details, please contact Allan Shine –