Shop Front / Town Centre Improvement Grant Scheme
I am very pleased to announce that Kildare County Council has set aside a substantial fund for the roll-out of a Shop front / Town Centre Improvement Grant Scheme in 2016. The Council has established this scheme to financially assist and support independent business owners to improve the appearance of their shop fronts / commercial properties. This funding is being provided in recognition of the fact that a building’s facade makes a big impact on our town centres. They help form people’s first impressions of a town centre, so their condition can really affect a town’s image. Smart shop fronts will make a town feel more prosperous, improve its image and contribute towards a stronger sense of identity.
Proposals for funding do not have to involve a significant or expensive change. Simple jobs like repainting a shop front or seasonal window dressing may qualify. Each application will be assessed on its own merits and any job that will enhance the town’s character may qualify for grant aid.
Particular emphasis should be on works to enhance the visual appearance of the streetscape, more appropriate shop front signage and removal of neon signs, banners or other inappropriate signage.
If a number of owners/lessees of commercial properties wish to group together, to form a cluster and submit a group application, their application will be welcomed.
Application forms and terms and conditions for the scheme are available on the Council’s website