County Kildare Chamber have chosen to focus on five of the Sustainable Development Goals that we believe we can both contribute directly towards and champion through our work over the forthcoming years.

If Ireland is to fully implement the SDGs domestically by 2030, each represented dimension of society must be included in the progress. We believe that with our wide geographical reach, we are in a strong position to do so.

Chambers Ireland, County Kildare Chamber and the Chamber network have chosen to focus, initially on Goals 5, 8, 9, 11 and 13 and we commit to championing the Goals in all the work that we do, to ensure that making progress in achieving these goals is reflected in all the work that we do.

  • Goal 5: Gender Equality
  • Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Goal 13: Climate Action



Over the next number of weeks, we will outline our work, policy and provide information on the SDG’s we are committed to.  We will also provide an overview of the SDG’s and also how businesses can get involved.

Global challenges – ranging from climate, water and food crises, to poverty, conflict and inequality – are in need of solutions that the private sector can deliver, representing a large and growing market for business innovation. For companies wanting to advance the SDG agenda, the job starts by acting responsibly – incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact widely into strategies and operations, and understanding that good practices or innovation in one area cannot make up for doing harm in another.


Goal 8 ¦ Decent work and economic growth

Promoting sustainable economic growth and productive employment is something that Chambers Ireland and County Kildare Chamber advocates for.  With rolling and evolving Covid restrictions, it becomes more important to ensure that jobs created are productive, inclusive and support a decent quality of life.

For economic growth to be sustainable, investment in life-long training and upskilling education are needed to provide decent work. County Kildare Chamber sit on Chambers Ireland Workplace and Skills Taskforce, we believe we are in the best position to safeguard decent work and economic growth by championing SDG 8.  Upcoming submissions support this view as we prepare our submission on Code of Conduct on a Right to Disconnect.  Our call for further investment on broadband availability on Friday (15 January) further emphasis our work – read our press release HERE. Contact the Chamber if you would like more information on our work in relation to the SDG’s.


Goal 13 ¦ Climate Action

Climate change and its associated risks is one of the major threats to the sustainability of Ireland as a whole. From the increased likelihood of adverse weather to changes in how we generate our energy to how and what we consume, a sustainable transition to a low carbon economy will be critical to our future competitiveness. County Kildare Chamber has committed to leading the charge on facilitating the business transition to a low carbon economy. Considering this, we now have representation on the Kildare County Council Climate Action Policy Committee and we are currently developing strategies to ensure all businesses can contribute to climate action and create a sustainable future for Ireland. We will be forming a Kildare Sustainability Council this year to drive our climate agenda.


Goal 5 ¦ Gender

The best way for Ireland to remain competitive and sustainable as an economy is through empowerment of all of the talent and skills in our economy. Policies that support labour participation of women are crucial. Through our representation on Chamber’s Ireland Workplace and Skills Taskforce, we seek to advocate for policies that promote gender equality and the empowerment of all women at all levels in the workplace. Gender inequalities are still deep-rooted in every society. Women suffer from lack of access to decent work and face occupational segregation and gender wage gaps. In many situations, they are denied access to basic education and health care and are victims of violence and discrimination. They are under-represented in political and economic decision-making processes. As a Chamber we encourage Gender Equality in our conversations and our engagement with both local and national government and with our membership.


Goal 9 ¦ Sustainable Development 

Investing in infrastructure and innovation have been crucial drivers of economic growth and development for all towns and villages in Kildare.  County Kildare Chamber strive to develop reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and cross-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being.  By working with Kildare County Council, relevant stakeholders and communities the Chamber is well positioned to advocate for Industry, innovation and infrastructure, reflecting SDG 9.




Kildare Sustainability Council







Taking serious and bold action to mitigate climate change is an urgent business issue. Failure to do so will hurt us all. Businesses must go beyond the bare minimum and take transformative action if we are to achieve the goals set out in the Paris Agreement.  We are in a “Race to Zero”


The Kildare Sustainability Council will help businesses become more sustainable and to reduce their carbon footprint in response to a demand from companies in Kildare for help in preparing for a carbon neutral economy.



The Council will offer participating businesses a comprehensive range of supports, including: training workshops, access to a dedicated series of sustainability events; green public procurement training; access to the SME Climate Hub, support materials; and peer-to-peer idea sharing opportunities.


The Council will have representation from MNC’s and Large Indigenous Kildare based companies.  Mentoring service is key to its success, SME’s will learn from best practise.


Invited guest speakers to address the grouping will include the Director of Inclusive and Green Growth with ICC,  Net Zero Policy Engagement Fellow with a UK University, DG for Environment ( Single Use Plastics) in the EU and global leaders of sustainability with Multi Nationals in Ireland


For more details please contact Allan Shine


SME Climate HUB


We urge all businesses to sign up to the SME Climate Hub here.

The SME Climate Hub for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) provides a one-stop-shop to make a climate commitment and access best-in-class tools and resources. The tools and resources provide support in regards to measuring your emissions, developing your climate strategy, reducing your own emissions and the emissions in your value chain, and exemplify complementary offset projects.